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Potty 疯了

 家里有小朋友的朋友们可能听说过 potty 这个词。不过它的意思在这里是不一样的,什么事情能让Neil 不停的说potty?快来听听吧。

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  Helen:Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Helen and joining me today is Neil.

  Neil:Hello everyone.

  Helen:Neil, tell me your first ever job?

  Neil:I worked in a local supermarket stacking shelves when I was sixteen.

  Helen:How was it?

  Neil:It’s quite boring, just moving things from one place to another. But I was very happy when I got my first pay check.

  Helen:And how long did you stay in your first job?

  Neil:No very long, about three months during the summer holiday. If I stayed there any longer, I would have gone potty.

  Helen:What, potty? Did you have to get permission to use the toilet?

  Neil:Oh no, nothing like that. Nobody needed permission to go to the toilet.

  Helen:Well, you said you would have gone potty. My baby son has to be reminded about his potty every day.

  Neil:Helen! I used the word ‘potty’ to mean that I would be ‘going crazy’ if I had to work in the supermarket forever. It’s not baby poo, wee-wee potty.

  Helen:Oh, I’m sorry. 我是习惯反映,一听到 potty 就想到小朋友们用的小尿盆。但你说的不是这个意思。

  Neil:No, they are two very different things. If someone is potty or is going potty, that means they are crazy or going crazy.

  Helen:Neil 说的 potty 或者 go potty 意思是疯癫的,发疯了。 让我们来听几个例句吧。


  My boss wants me to work on New Year’s day for no extra money, he must be potty.


  She’s potty to sale off her car so cheaply.


  Neil:There is another mean to ‘potty’. If someone is really keen on something we can use the phrase ‘to be potty about something’. For example, my brother potty about comic books, he spent all his savings collecting them.

  Helen:Neil 说potty 还有另一个意思是“对什么东西着迷‘。比如他的弟弟对漫画特别着迷,他把所有的存款都花在收集漫画上了。

  Neil:Well, I am glad we cleared up the meaning on that. It won’t do us any good if people heard us arguing over potties.

  Helen:Oh no. They’d think we’ve gone potty.




