Britain has often been stereotyped as home to “the stiff upper lip”, signifying strength of character and an adversity to emotional expression. This might lead some to assume that the Brits are formal and polite when addressing friends. As is often the case, when you scratch beneath the surface, a truly different picture emerges. This can be seen when we look through the numerous words in the English language that are used by “blokes” to affectionately refer to one another.
Casual conversations in Britain are often peppered with terms of endearment that can be as varied and bizarre as any other of our whacky cultural norms. Some of these differences can be put down to globalisation, such as the ubiquitous and much scorned “dude” that has somehow been extracted from sunny California and plonked in the UK, home to all things wet. Others, however, are British through and through. Some antiquated terms that one occasionally hears are “chap”, “old boy” or even “old fruit”. These old-fashioned terms still thrive in places such as the University of Oxford, where even the freshest of freshers hang on to ancient traditions like there’s no tomorrow.
在英国,日常对话中经常会出现表示亲密的词语,千奇百怪,就和我们的其他文化礼仪一样。其中一些说法可能是由全球化带来的,譬如无人不晓、略显轻蔑的“dude”,别看它在湿漉漉的英国已经扎了根,人家可是从阳光灿烂的加州漂洋过海远道而来。其他称呼就彻头彻尾都是咱英国的了。我们偶尔听到的一些词有“chap”,“old boy”和“old fruit”。在像牛津大学一样的地方,这些老派说法还是很风行的,最嫩的新生也会抓住一切机会表现这些个古老的传统。
Nevertheless, if a foreigner truly wanted to “get down with the kids” and sound like a modern day Brit, the most common way to refer to a friend is to call them “mate”. The term originates from West Germanic languages, where it actually meant “meat”. This curious connection between friend and food comes from the familiarity that is created when people eat together – a sentiment shared by many cultures around the world. Be warned however: another meaning of the word “mate” (particularly in a biological context) is a sexual partner, so be careful how you ask for new friends!
Last but not least is the ever popular term “buddy”. The origins of this term have been disputed, but there seem to be two major schools of thought on the topic. Some argue that the etymology of “buddy” lies in the notion of “booty fellows”: these were soldiers who shared the wealth of conquered lands with one another. Another explanation places the origin of “buddy” with the term “butty”, which is a variation of brother. As per usual with the English, this brings us to the topic of breakfast. A bacon butty is a name for a bacon sandwich, and there is no denying that these are a true buddy to the Brits!
最后得提到“buddy”,此词可谓是历久弥坚啊。关于它的出身争论不断,大体有两大说法。有的人说“buddy”的语源来自“分赃同伙(booty fellows)”: 旧时互相分享侵略地上搜刮来的财富的士兵。另一个解释说“buddy”和兄弟(brother)的另一个说法“butty”有关。英国人就喜欢说吃的,这回咱再来说说早餐。培根三明治又叫做“bacon butty”,不得不说“三明治弟兄”真心是英国人的好伙伴!