Most people just focus more on what we have to learn. Everything else will be seen as useless. Even those who always believe in lifelong learning will find it is hard to exercise. Here are six tips for developing lifelong learning habits. 大多数人只会把注意力更多的放在必须要学的事情上面。其他一切都会被视为无用功。甚至那些一直推崇活到老学到老的人们也难以做到真正去实践。下面分享6个培养终身学习习惯的小建议。 Always have a book 随身带本书 It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book. Always strive to have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it when you have time. Just by shaving off a few minutes in-between activities in my day I can read about a book per week. That’s at least fifty each year. 一年也好,一星期也罢,随身带本书吧,有时间的时候别忘了翻一翻。光是利用每天活动间隙的这点时间,我一周都能看完一本书了哦。一年也就是50多本。 Keep a “To-Learn” List 列个待学清单 We all have to-do lists. These are the tasks we need to accomplish. Try to also have a “to-learn” list. On it you can write ideas for new areas of study. Maybe you would like to take up a new language, learn a skill or read the collective works of Shakespeare. Whatever motivates you, write it down. 我们都有事情的待办清单。有些任务是我们需要去完成的。不妨也来列个待学清单,写上新领域的学习想法。比如你想学一门新语言,一个技能或是阅读完莎士比亚系列着作。无论你想干嘛,都写下来吧。 Guided Thinking 多思考 Albert Einstein once said, “Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.” Simply studying the wisdom of others isn’t enough, you have to think through ideas yourself. Spend time journaling, meditating or contemplating over ideas you have learned. 爱因斯坦曾经说过:“任何读死书却不动脑子的人只会越来越懒得动脑了”。仅仅研究其他人的智慧远远不够,你需要有自己的想法。花点时间记录、冥想,思考那些你学过的东西吧。 Teach Others 教别人 You learn what you teach. If you have an outlet of communicating ideas to others, you are more likely to solidify that learning. Start a blog, mentor someone or even discuss ideas with a friend. 教别人也是学习的过程。如果你有一套很好的与人交际的方法,你也可能巩固自己的学习。不妨开个博客,指导下别人,或是跟朋友讨论讨论吧。 Start a Project 开始个计划 Set out to do something you don’t know how. Forced learning in this way can be fun and challenging. If you don’t know anything about computers, try building one. If you consider yourself a horrible artist, try a painting. 准备去做一个你完全未知的事情吧。靠这种办法逼着自己学习既有趣又有挑战。如果你不了解电脑,不妨去组装一下。如果你觉得自己没有艺术细胞,就去画一副画吧。 The Morning Fifteen 早上十五分钟 Use the first fifteen minutes of your morning as a period for education. If you find yourself too groggy, you might want to wait a short time. Just don’t put it off later in the day where urgent activities will push it out of the way. 把早上起床后的十五分钟作为学习阶段吧。如果你觉得自己还没睡醒,你可能就会稍微等等。但是千万别把紧急的事情放在晚些时候去做,这样只会越拖越晚。