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时间:2021-07-21 17:43:00 标签: 口译(2) 经验谈(1)

   在翻译公司业务中,口译占了很大的比例。 作为翻译机构的专业翻译人员, 不同于一般的语言爱好者,应更好和熟练地掌握口译翻译技巧, 提供更优质更准确的翻译,更好地服务于客户。译声翻译公司现根据多年的从业经验,总结如下:

(一) 同义反译法

1. I'll be here for good this time。 这一次我再也不走了。(不译:“永远在此呆下去”)

(二) 删减解释词

The travelers in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women。译为“到南方去的人看见那些黑白混血的女郎,一定会注意到她们十之八九都有那种独特的优雅风度、那种温柔的声音和文静的举止。”

(三) 短句拆译" ...on one sunshiny morning in June," “在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗…”

(四) 译词推陈出新

When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary fears of a lower。


(五) 解释性添词"George, I'm ashamed of you! George, I couldn't have believed you would have done it! I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered no moss; but I never thought you would have taken away what little moss there was for Bagnet and the children to lie upon," said Mrs. Bagnet。译成“乔治,我真替你害臊﹗乔治,想不到你会干出这种事情来﹗俗话说得好:滚着的碌碡不长苔,流浪的汉子不攒财。我早知道你就是这么一个流浪汉﹗可真没有想到你连贝格纳特和孩子们靠它过活的那一点点财也骗走”,贝格纳特太太说道。”

(六) 词无定译 It is quite useless to ask whether Vanderbilt was criminally prosecuted or civilly sued by the Government. Not only was he unmolested, but two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiarly heinous conditions。译成:“我们根本不必追问政府是否根据刑法或民法对范德比尔特提出起诉。范德比尔特不仅逍遥法外,而且在两年后又以极其凶狠的手段对政府进行过一次巨大的诈骗。”

 (七) 精炼译词

A new dignity crept into his walk.译成:“走起路来,不觉平添了几分尊严。”

(八) 删削"When"字

1. When he saw me, he was startled。“他看见我,吓了一大跳。”

(九) 感叹词的不同译法

"O, don't mother! I should like the flowers; do give them to me; I want them!" "Why, Eva, your room is full now."译成“妈妈,别这样﹗我喜欢这些花,把花给我吧,我要﹗” “得了吧,伊娃,你屋里的花都满了。”

 (十) 顺拆法

His delegation agreed with the Executive Director/ that the fund should continue working/ for a better understanding of the interrelationship between economic, social and demographic factors。 “他的代表团同意执行主任的意见,认为该基金会应继续努力, 以求更好地了解经济、社会和人口这三方面的相互关系。”

  • 杭州专业翻译公司的口译翻译实用技巧经验谈
  • 口译中最常见的单词或词组的缩写(二)
  • 口译中最常见的单词或词组的缩写(一)
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    • 1、运用声音 译员表达时首先要吐字清晰、发音标准。译员对于听众而言就是一个发言者,要让听众听得清楚、便于理解。语音训练可以通过朗读、演讲和绕口令来进行。译员要及时发现自己的发音含糊、吐字不清等问题并作针对性

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